Have you ever asked too little of God?

I had a moment last night when I whispered a prayer under my breath. Something specific.

I almost laughed at myself when I realized for that prayer to be answered wouldn't require a "major miracle" on God's part or "major faith" on mine. It was quite simply, too simply, a small step.

So, I decided right then, right there to ask God for something...bigger...   Gasp! Could God do that?? Would He?

Boldly again, under my breath, I made the statement of what we needed wanted to see happen. You see, I believe that God not only gives us what we need, but sometimes He gives us what we want.

My dad's message on Sunday was all about trusting God. We are in a position right now, where that is our only option. Dad gave a challenge...the 7 Day Trust Challenge. To wake up every day and offer up ourselves to God, trusting Him to do in us and with us what He wanted. Asking God to lead us in His ways.

So, back to my request...my bold request was almost answered immediately! Within moments...literally! And this morning I still see Him moving in our situation!

"He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust." Psalm 91:1-2

Put your trust in Him today! Don't be afraid to ask for BIG things! He is able!!
Oh my goodness...my plan was to try to write everyday....and then something happened.


As soon as we came back from the fun and festivities...I launched head-on into "paper-writing" mode. Though those two papers were on a topic close to my heart, they seemed to drain me of everything I had. Very.Difficult.

I am now in the process of preparing reading for my next class. When I first looked at the Syllabus last October, I was THRILLED with it! The class is "Leading a Christian Organization." Now, I'm not a business-y type person, but it looked G.R.E.A.T. The projects and reading looked interesting.

I don't know what all God's got for me in the Grand Scheme of things, but I feel like every class I have taken has fit so neatly into a puzzle. I'm so thankful I can trust God with the future. I no longer have to see into it (the future)...but instead I just look to God! Keep my eyes on Him...and TRUST!

Trust is such a huge word to me lately. Have you ever been at a place in life where that was your only option?

That's it...trust.

I don't know what my future holds, but I'm ok with that.

As I read through these books...that I'm literally forcing myself to read...not because I don't like them, they're just not "right up my alley"...I'm trusting that the words in the pages hold meaning for my life. That I can learn and grow from them.

As I lean on God for provision at this point in my life...I trust Him. I am NOT afraid. Why? Because everyday, I have looked to Scripture. And EVERY day, without fail...He leads me to what I need for that day.

As I trust God in every area of my life...I am at rest.


He is so faithful!

The first Friday of the new year.
Let’s do it. Let’s just write without worrying if it’s just right or not.
For only five short, bold, beautiful minutes. Let your mind and your words and your heart fly free; wild – no editing, no over thinking.
Won’t you join me?
    1. Write for 5 minutes flat – don’t edit; don’t second-guess.
    2. Link back here and invite others to join in.
    3. Must: leave a comment for the person who linked up before you – encouraging them in their writing!
OK, are you ready? Give me your best five minutes on:


Ok, have you ever wanted to yell something from the rooftops? You know, you're so excited about it...you want EVERYONE to know??!!

Have you ever been in that position and you CAN'T tell! You can't ROAR your news?! Stifling, isn't it??

You have really good...no, GREAT news, yet for some reason, you feel like someone has their hand over your mouth!

Think about a time when you needed to scream and couldn't! For instance, with my third son, Jordan, I wanted to scream during labor. And...I did. (I was doing this with no meds!) But it was the middle of the night and my husband sweetly leaned over to me and said, "Honey, can you NOT yell?" Besides the fact that I wanted to "sweetly" smack him...I understood. But, I explained, "I feel like I have a freight-train running through me. It starts at my feet and and comes out my mouth! And freight-trains aren't quiet!!"

I'm in this position right now. There are certain things I want to ROAR from the rooftops, but for various reasons, I can't. Or, I don't feel that I can.

Maybe God is teaching me something...that my ROAR doesn't have to be loud and obnoxious.
Maybe God's trying to teach me that I should just ROAR to Him.

He's always trying to teach me things...but...it rarely comes through a ROAR!
Maybe I should listen and learn...
Today, I had the privilege of writing a guest blog.

Go on over and check it out!

Have a wonderful Friday!!


What holds importance in your life?

Getting into the Word?

It does for me...but I couldn't always say that.

For years, I have beat myself up over the fact that I "failed" (and miserably) at reading through the Bible in a year. I can just about quote Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and part of Deuteronomy to you...but that's where I trail off. 

Look, a butterfly!! 

My family, friends, and husband have to chase me through a few rabbit holes before I get to the point. And they try to tell me lovingly..."Focus! Focus, Kristi!" 

It's just who I am! It's how God created me. 

Unfortunately the stinkin' devil knows my...shall I say...personality...all too well. He also knows I tend to be a bit hard on myself. 

Easily distracted...and always quick to jump at a self-beating. That's me!

So, what does that mean for someone who has a hard time with spiritual disciplines.

A life full of discontent and self-abuse. 
A constant feeling of failure.
A facade.

I just wanted to succeed. Every year, I would grab a "Bible Reading Guide" from the table in the foyer. Pray over it and determine that "THIS would be MY year!" 

I wanted to do it...B.A.D.

But, I didn't get it. I would read, rather slowly, my allotment of chapters for the day...and at the end...wonder what I had just read. There were times I truly felt that I had gotten something from that day. But, most of the time, it was just a checkmark...on my reading guide. Sometimes, at the end of the month...January, February, March...I would put a BIG X through the whole month!! I was so proud!


Until last year. I learned a lot about myself; who God created me to be and that HE thought I was pretty great! Not because I'm better than anyone else...just because...He.Loves.Me. I'm not a failure. AND, I'm a bit too hard on myself. 

What did I intend to gain? 
An A+?

...or a mark on my guide?

I know this may sound a bit strange, but I had grown up around this stuff my whole life! I was BORN on a SUNDAY!!! Hello!! But, I had a hard time getting it! I'm...uuhhmmmm....38 now! I think it's about time for me to get it! 

Thank heavens for David Wilkerson's ministry! Seriously!! You might be laughing at me by now, but it was something I received in the mail from his ministry that changed me!

Promise Calendar 2011!

It's nothing world shattering...or especially beautiful! 
It's just a little book. 
It's small. 
A 2011 calendar. 
That's it.

Except each day listed a Scripture, or a few. 

I began to read through these on a daily basis. 


It seemed like each day...those verses spoke directly to my life. 
It was EXACTLY what I needed!! 
I loved it! 

Couldn't live without it! 
Took it EVERYWHERE I went! 



That's right! December 31st...I marked the last day off. 

I almost cried. 
I was so sad, yet happy at the same time. 

This little bitty piece of a ministry...blessed me more than I could effectively tell you!


We? yep...me and God. You see, He allowed me to understand it's not about the amount of verses or chapters I read. 
It's just that I read. 

I found more times than not, I couldn't read just that ONE verse or the FEW listed. I had a DESIRE to read more. 

So, for some reason, mine didn't come in the mail this time...I had to ask for one to be sent. 

And I can't wait to have it in my hands. 

To read what God has for me this year! 

Someday, I hope to succeed at reading through the Bible in a year! Really! 
But that will not be this year!

I'm happy meditating on the moments I have in God's Word. 

Not because I HAVE to...

but because I WANT to!

For more information about the Promise Calendar, you can visit the World Challenge website.
If you would like one mailed to you, send them an email! 

I can't believe it's 2012!

With the New Year Celebration...we hear of resolutions and yearly goal setting. Projects for the coming year are posted on Facebook and other social media sites. We write them in our journals and invite our friends and family to join us in our endeavors.

We pray.
We read.
We fast.
We do.
We volunteer.
We don't.
We lose.
We gain.

Whatever your goals or objectives for the coming year, my prayer for you and for me is that they are genuine.

Don't just tell us about them.
Don't just tell God about them.
Don't just wish it done or not done.


Action must happen to reach your goals.

In the end, be proud of your accomplishments, but don't boast.
Praise God who gave you the courage, stamina, energy or will-power to get the job done.

So, here's to 2012 and accomplishing all that is set before us. May God infuse us with God-sized dreams and grant us all we need to complete our objectives or goals.

Dreaming Big-

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Looking for a speaker for your next coffee, luncheon, Bible study or retreat? Kristi speaks on a variety of topics including but not limited to:

Victorious Living: Overcoming Your Failures

Dreaming Big

Trusting God

Adoption Advocacy


Kristi's delivery style is humorous and light, yet deep with meaning and full of God's Word. She is transparent about her own struggles and uses her everyday experiences to give women hope that they can wear a crown of beauty instead of ashes.

Email kristisinger6@gmail.com or Call 620-218-2797 for more information.
Or contact me here.
