Dream Big

Have you ever had a "God Moment?" You know...one of those, "Kristi! This is God speaking!" I have! This is just a bit of my story & how I got started on the journey I'm on today!

Rewind with me to the year 1988...I was 15 years old and attended a statewide Youth Convention. Every year, even still, the churches in the Assemblies of God, gather all the youth from the state for a weekend of worship!  Kansas has had some of the greatest conventions! I can say that because I've never been to any other...but I believe it's true!

That particular year, I responded during the altar time with a strong feeling that I was to be involved in full-time ministry. More specifically, missions. Now, at the age of 15, I had no idea how to process this. Was it just me wanting to follow in the speaker's footsteps, (David Grant was/is a great speaker!) or was it really God? The following Sunday, as I wept at the altar seeking God's direction, a woman came to give me a Word from God. Though she spoke for a while, the words I remember most were, "Child, I have called you! And you know I have called you!" The weeping continued until I finally composed myself enough to go tell my parents I was called into ministry. I have very godly parents, also ministers, who joined me in weeping! We had no idea what God would do or where He would lead...but we were certain of His calling! I was certain!

Fast forward several years...nearly another 15. When I attended another district church function, now as an adult. Having "one of those days" and not really wanting to be there, I knew I would have to force myself to focus. That was until, God Spoke! You know the story of Samuel and Eli? It was that kind of moment! More clearly than I have heard many things, I heard God speak my name! I knew, this time, immediately Who it was. His voice had become unmistakeable to me! He again spoke very clear direction to my life.

I wish I could say since then, I've always heard God's voice and remained completely obedient...but that would not be truth. But, I know beyond the shadow of any doubt I have, God has called me to Dream Big! You see...He dreams Bigger than Life dreams over us! And, I'm just crazy enough to believe, that with His help...some of my dreams just might come true!

So, what are your dreams? What's He calling you to? Step out in faith...watch Him reveal himself to you and others in ways you never thought possible!

Dreaming Big!

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Looking for a speaker for your next coffee, luncheon, Bible study or retreat? Kristi speaks on a variety of topics including but not limited to:

Victorious Living: Overcoming Your Failures

Dreaming Big

Trusting God

Adoption Advocacy


Kristi's delivery style is humorous and light, yet deep with meaning and full of God's Word. She is transparent about her own struggles and uses her everyday experiences to give women hope that they can wear a crown of beauty instead of ashes.

Email kristisinger6@gmail.com or Call 620-218-2797 for more information.
Or contact me here.
